Course Title: Channel Coding (信道编码)

Instructor: Yunghsiang S. Han (韩永祥)

Course goal: To teach students the fundamental knowledge about channel coding.

A set of lecture notes will be provided on my website ( The following are the recommended references:

1.     Error Control Coding, Second Edition, S. Lin and D. J. Costello, Jr., Prentice-Hall, Inc., 2004.

2.     Error Correction Coding: Mathematical Methods and Algorithms by Todd K. Moon, Wiley-Interscience, 2005.

Every student will be asked to submit a program about the Reed-Solomon decoder in order to get the credit.


Course outline:

1.        Introduction to binary linear block codes (5 lectures)

2.        Cyclic codes (4 lectures)

3.        Finite fields (2 lectures)

4.        Reed-Solomon (RS) codes (3 lectures)

5.        Binary convolutional codes (4 lectures)

Lecture notes
Introduction to Binary Linear Block Codes (pdf file)

Introduction to Cyclic Codes (pdf file)

Introduction to Finite Fields and Reed-Solomon Codes (pdf file)

Binary Convolutional Codes (pdf file)